Finally got back to the String Water quilt today. I was terrified all week after sewing the blocks together...
...and laying the borders around it.
Oh no! New territory...odd angled mitered borders. That's enough to keep the studio vacant for a while.
Today I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get back into my studio, so I got to work and took frequent breaks to relieve my scalp from the hair pulling. The borders are on and they're rounded. These babies are not perfect, but they're as done as they're going to get.
Honestly, what do you think? I thought about making this a
border-less quilt with a
pillowcased backing. Humm. It's about 30" wide, by the way.
Now it looks like I need some very low-key embellishment; perhaps some copy-cat odd lines in the border applied with some luminescent
Should I apply barely noticeable beads to some of the water lines?