Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Light at the End

It has been a long 8 weeks of dyeing fabric and making pincushions, but last night I dyed my last batch of fabric for the Pensacola Quilt Show. When all is said and done I'll have about 775 yards in folded fabric and probably 150 yards in 4" x 20" pieces for sale.

My favorite stack of fabric has been the browns...

Some of the browns are actually Bill's rust dyes.

This is the staging area...simply because it's the only empty space in the house. Like I wrote a couple of entries ago, this has been a whole-house event.

I priced the wool pincushions yesterday...about 60 of them. They are delicious!

Some of the multi-colored fabrics turn out beautifully too.

I'm off to rinse the last batch of dyes...

1 comment:

Julie Bagamary said...

They look gorgeous Anita.