Sunday, April 29, 2012

Artfully Busy

Isn't "artfully busy" so much better than the other type?   Well, I've been artfully busy quite a lot lately, which means that I am happy.

I've been edging hand-dyed table runners with the serger, dyeing wool roving, knitting, playing with fabric & hanging out with my DH.  The Quilting Arts Alliance ladies came to the shop on Wednesday.  There was paperwork and & chores in there too, but let's not think about that.

Life is good.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Wonderful Week

Sewcial Studio's first week was wonderful!  We had some fine company and lots of fun, and had a few more bolts delivered too!

The most repeated comment?   "Oooh, it's so soothing here".  

Since this is also my art studio, I got some sewing done for the upcoming Southworks arts festival at OCAF (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) this weekend too. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

More Progress

Each day there's some progress with our new Sewcial Studio retail space.  Here are the latest photos...

The space is small, but it has a great feel to it; nice skylight, comfortable and "happy".   It's a happy space.